Wednesday, February 9, 2011

24 Day Nutrition Challange

This week is going to be a big one! I posted my very first blog, I'm competing at the Fittest Games in Austin and on Friday I begin Charlie Lima's 24 Day Nutrition Challenge. WOW!

I'm really excited to start this new journey with my nurtrition. I have come a long way on my own, but my body is telling me it is time to enlist some help. I began my lifestyle change Jan. 17, 2010, so far I have lost over 50 lbs by combing Crossfit and Weight Watchers. I am currently at a plateau and have been here for a while. I am trying to stay positive and motivated, but sometimes it gets a bit frustrating. So this 24 Day Challenge is me determined to break through! I know it's not going to be easy, but losing 50 lbs wasn't easy either but I did it! So, I'm going to do this!

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